DataVara change the company name to Crona Lön!


Today, DataVara AB changes its name to Crona Lön AB and at the same time introduces a new visual identity.  The name change marks a new phase in the company's development and is a step towards a one brand strategy and a new future for Crona Lön AB.


“We have great ambitions and want to grow in Sweden and Nordic region. To succeed, a strong and clear brand is a must. We also want to mark a new phase in the company's development with a name change.


The fact that we change our name to Crona Lön has to do with the fact that the product name Crona Lön is and has been much stronger than our company name since the start. It therefore feels good that we have landed in a name

that is familiar and established among our customers ", says CEO Thomas Palm of Crona Lön AB.


Prior to the name change, a new graphic profile has been developed that will reflect the company's new identity. The new profile visually modernizes the company and better communicates what Crona Lön stands for

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